Westside and Rasewete
Engineers PTY LTD

Design, Construction, Installation, Replacement, Repairs, Services and Maintenance of

High/Medium/Low Voltage Systems

Alternative and Back Up Supply

Fire Detection Systems & Telecommunications

More About Us

Our Promise To You

Integrity - Be transparent, truthful and trustworthy

Efficiency - Deliver speedy, quality work Safely

Excellence - Perform to the best achievable standards

Always be mindful of the Environment!

CIPC Registration No – 2007/035180/07

CSD Registration No – MAAA0180011

Tax Reference No – 992 381 0148

VAT Registration No – 425 026 9406

PAYE Reference No - 7900794704

COID Registration No – 990001003373

UIF Reg No – 2379770

Electrical Contractor Reg No – GN04053